
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cafe Curtain Photos

Here are some photos of my completed cafe curtains made from Dollar Store pillowcases......

No sewing required. 
Click HERE to see how to make them using pillowcases and fusible fabric bond.

No-Sew Cafe Curtains from Pillowcases

Here's an easy, thrifty project for those of you that don't sew, or don't have a sewing machine............

( Did I mention I like the Dollar Store?? Oh, YES I do!!)

I needed some kitchen curtains for this window. It faces west, and doesn't get much sun, except for late in the evening in summer. At this time of year, we are getting less than 8 hours of daylight per day, so I need the curtains more for night-time privacy than anything else. I thought that cafe-style curtains would be an adequate length, and for some reason, I already had the narrow cafe rod. Go figure! ;)

Then on my last trip to the Dollar store the other day, I managed to find a set of two (2) pillow cases in my kitchen colors; shades of blue, white and tan. My kitchen is painted blue, with the shared wall between the kitchen and dining room, painted "camel tan". The cupboards are old wood, painted white.
I'm not a designer by any stretch of the imagination, but I think this will work!
If it doesn't, what have I got to lose?? ( about $4.50!)

I had originally intended to just make 2 panels ( one panel out of each pillowcase); but then realized that 2 panels would not be QUITE wide enough to cover the window when the panels were closed, AND when I opened the package of pillowcases at home, I discovered that one of the pillow cases is mostly blue ( blue background) and the other is mostly white ( white background). Not a big deal, but I was expecting both the pillowcases to be the same.  Four ( 4) panels will work will just take a little more time and effort to complete 
this little project.

I started by ripping out the side and bottom seams of each pillow case..........

 Then CUT the creased side of the pillowcase down the entire length to make TWO(2) panels out of each pillowcase. Leave the "hemmed" end intact......we'll use this for the "hem" at the bottom of the curtains.

Here's the fun part.........I did promise you it was No-Sew, didn't I??! I don't have a working sewing machine at the moment, so have to improvise.....
Get out your "Stitch Witchery" ( fusible fabric bond, regular weight; mine is 5/8" wide, but anything from about 1/2 " to 3/4" would work just as well). 
Follow the instructions on the package of whatever brand you use.

 Place your pillowcase wrong side UP, and place the fusible bond under the folded seam edge.
( I just placed the tip of my scissors under the bond, so you can see it a little better in the photo--it's quite filmy and thin, so doesn't show up against the fabric very well) 

Place a damp towel over all layers ( folded seam with fusible bond in between).........the Stitch Witchery package says "damp cloth", but I found that a tea towel lightly wrung out worked the seems to be the STEAM that helps stick the fusible bond to the if it's not bonding well, wet your towel more.

Iron on medium heat. Do not rub or move the iron around.
Press in one spot. Lift iron. Move to another spot. Press.

That takes care of the side seams.

Now we need a "rod pocket"...........

Fold the rough end of the panel over 3.5 inches and press.

You are going to use TWO (2) strips of fusible bond on the top band.
Place the FIRST strip of bond  inside the fold, TWO (2) inches from the top.
Place flat. Iron until bonded.

This is going to form the TOP of the rod pocket.
The photo below shows it bonded.
You now still have 1.5 inches left below.

Place the SECOND strip of fusible bond at the BOTTOM edge of the folded piece.
Press until bonded.

We now have a rod pocket two (2) inches from the top of the curtain.

What it looks like from the right side ( not hung yet).

The two blue panels are I just need to finish the 2 white ones.....

Tomorrow I will hang them up, and post a photo when it's daylight............MUCH easier to get a decent photo!!